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171 result(s) for mobs like "monk"
Adamantine Fist (Adept I)
a Bronze shackle monk
Kunzar Jungle
Advanced Woodworker Volume 79
a Bronze shackle monk
Kunzar Jungle 2
Ancient Gauntlets of the Tree
a Bronze shackle monk
Kunzar Jungle
Carrion Warding (Adept I)
a Bronze shackle monk
Kunzar Jungle 2
Enigma of the Weaponsmith Volume 8
a Bronze shackle monk
Kunzar Jungle
small damaged patch of monkey fur
a chittering monkey
Kunzar Jungle
Advanced Jeweler Volume 77
a Clay shackle monk
Kunzar Jungle
Advanced Tailor Volume 77
a Clay shackle monk
Kunzar Jungle
Advanced Weaponsmith Volume 77
a Clay shackle monk
Kunzar Jungle
Advanced Woodworker Volume 77
a Clay shackle monk
Kunzar Jungle 2
Ancient Boots of the Gambler
a Clay shackle monk
Kunzar Jungle
Ancient Great Staff of the Tempest
a Clay shackle monk
Kunzar Jungle
Ancient Sabatons of Knowledge
a Clay shackle monk
Kunzar Jungle
Ancient Staff of Survival
a Clay shackle monk
Kunzar Jungle
Blip (Adept I)
a Clay shackle monk
Kunzar Jungle
Clara's Cacophony (Adept I)
a Clay shackle monk
Kunzar Jungle 2
Double Stomp (Master I)
a Clay shackle monk
Kunzar Jungle
Earthen Avatar (Adept I)
a Clay shackle monk
Kunzar Jungle
Enigma of the Carpenter Volume 8
a Clay shackle monk
Kunzar Jungle
Enigma of the Provisioner Volume 8
a Clay shackle monk
Kunzar Jungle
Enigma of Transmuting Advanced Volume 8
a Clay shackle monk
Kunzar Jungle
Faywax Sealed Document
a Clay shackle monk
Kunzar Jungle
flask of enchanted water
a Clay shackle monk
Kunzar Jungle
Fortifying Song (Adept I)
a Clay shackle monk
Kunzar Jungle
Invasion (Adept I)
a Clay shackle monk
Kunzar Jungle
Kunark Blade (Adept I)
a Clay shackle monk
Kunzar Jungle 2
large meaty bone
a Clay shackle monk
Kunzar Jungle
Moon Blade (Adept I)
a Clay shackle monk
Kunzar Jungle
Razorcoat (Adept I)
a Clay shackle monk
Kunzar Jungle
Skyfire Great-axe of Beasts
a Clay shackle monk
Kunzar Jungle
Skyfire Hood of the Knight
a Clay shackle monk
Kunzar Jungle
Skyfire Towershield of the Tempest
a Clay shackle monk
Kunzar Jungle
tattered pegasus cloak
a Clay shackle monk
Kunzar Jungle
war fist
a Clay shackle monk
Kunzar Jungle 2
Advanced Jeweler Volume 79
a Copper shackle monk
Kunzar Jungle
Advanced Sage Volume 79
a Copper shackle monk
Kunzar Jungle
Ancient Mitts of Prophets
a Copper shackle monk
Kunzar Jungle
Forgiving Diatribe (Adept I)
a Copper shackle monk
Kunzar Jungle
iksar hard candy
a Copper shackle monk
Kunzar Jungle
Shroud of Kunark (Adept I)
a Copper shackle monk
Kunzar Jungle
Skyfire Dagger of the Guardian
a Copper shackle monk
Kunzar Jungle
Tyrant's Pact (Adept I)
a Copper shackle monk
Kunzar Jungle
Infuriating Tranquility (Adept I)
a Maj'Dul monkey
A Maj'Dul Residence
small bag of compost
a Maj'Dul monkey
A Maj'Dul Residence
Advanced Jeweler Volume 45
a monkey
Advanced Tailor Volume 45
a monkey
Advanced Woodworker Volume 45
a monkey
Death's Coil (Adept I)
a monkey
Fiery Doom (Adept I)
a monkey
Harrowing Inquest (Adept I)
a monkey
Insidious Whisper (Adept I)
a monkey
Lobotomize (Adept I)
a monkey
Advanced Alchemist Volume 55
a pet monkey
A Maj'Dul Residence
Avoid Blame (Adept I)
a pet monkey
A Maj'Dul Residence
Forester's Noose (Adept I)
a pet monkey
A Maj'Dul Residence
Razor Edge (Adept I)
a pet monkey
A Maj'Dul Residence
Slay (Adept I)
a pet monkey
A Maj'Dul Residence
small bag of ammonium nitrate
a pet monkey
A Maj'Dul Residence
Ancient Staff of the Deep
a Rock shackle monk
Kunzar Jungle
Ancient Tunic of the Tempest
a Rock shackle monk
Kunzar Jungle
Enigma of the Sage Volume 8
a Rock shackle monk
Kunzar Jungle
Skyfire Great-axe of Grace
a Rock shackle monk
Kunzar Jungle
Skyfire Shortsword of the Tempest
a Rock shackle monk
Kunzar Jungle
Skyfire Tunic of the Guardian
a Rock shackle monk
Kunzar Jungle 2
Unflinching Hammer (Adept I)
a Rock shackle monk
Kunzar Jungle
Advanced Alchemist Volume 40
a spirit monk
The Feerrott
Advanced Carpenter Volume 40
a spirit monk
The Feerrott
Advanced Jeweler Volume 41
a spirit monk
The Feerrott
Advanced Tailor Volume 40
a spirit monk
The Feerrott
Advanced Tailor Volume 41
a spirit monk
The Feerrott
Advanced Woodworker Volume 41
a spirit monk
The Feerrott
ancient note of runes
a spirit monk
The Feerrott
Ancient Wrath (Adept I)
a spirit monk
The Feerrott
Beeswax Sealed Document
a spirit monk
The Feerrott
Charging Tiger (Adept I)
a spirit monk
The Feerrott
Cursed Sacrament (Adept I)
a spirit monk
The Feerrott
Ebon Relic
a spirit monk
The Feerrott
Enigma of the Tailor Volume 5
a spirit monk
The Feerrott
Enigma of the Weaponsmith Volume 5
a spirit monk
The Feerrott
Enigma of Transmuting Advanced Volume 5
a spirit monk
The Feerrott
exquisite burnt silk sash
a spirit monk
The Feerrott
flask of fresh water
a spirit monk
The Feerrott
Forceful Negotiation (Adept I)
a spirit monk
The Feerrott
Inferno (Adept I)
a spirit monk
The Feerrott
large polished bone
a spirit monk
The Feerrott
Legends of Norrath Rare Card: Fetid Goo
a spirit monk
The Feerrott
Nature's Reprieve (Adept I)
a spirit monk
The Feerrott
Praetorate (Adept I)
a spirit monk
The Feerrott
Riana's Spiteful Sustain (Adept I)
a spirit monk
The Feerrott
Ring of Cold (Adept I)
a spirit monk
The Feerrott
Ruby Amulet
a spirit monk
The Feerrott
Ruby Scrying Stone
a spirit monk
The Feerrott
Salvation (Adept I)
a spirit monk
The Feerrott
Scolding Alleviation (Adept I)
a spirit monk
The Feerrott
seared cog
a spirit monk
The Feerrott
small bag of diatomaceous earth
a spirit monk
The Feerrott
Statuette of Satrinah
a spirit monk
The Feerrott
Transference (Adept I)
a spirit monk
The Feerrott
Unending Pain (Adept I)
a spirit monk
The Feerrott
Vanquish (Adept I)
a spirit monk
The Feerrott