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1592 result(s) for zones like "lord"
Coral Scrying Stone
into combat by casting Bind on Lordrahl
Notched Blade of Misfortune
a fallen orc
into combat by casting Bind on Lordrahl
a bird skull
a cliffdiver hawk
Outpost of the Overlord
a bovine horn
a cow
Outpost of the Overlord
a damaged low quality bear pelt
a wilderbear cub
Outpost of the Overlord
a damaged low quality shark skin
a sawtooth shark
Outpost of the Overlord
a fish eye
a triggerfish
Outpost of the Overlord
a fish meat
a triggerfish
Outpost of the Overlord
a ghost emotion resonance
Outpost of the Overlord
a ghost ethereal strand
Anius Oakwind
Outpost of the Overlord
a ghost phantasmal echo
a fallen Tunarian
Outpost of the Overlord
a ghost remnant memory
a fallen Tunarian
Outpost of the Overlord
a ghost vile plasm
a fallen Tunarian
Outpost of the Overlord
a giants beard
a Firerock scout
Outpost of the Overlord
a poison gland
a sandstalker
Outpost of the Overlord
a poison gland
a shoal glider
Outpost of the Overlord
a shimmering barracuda scale
a needlefang
Outpost of the Overlord
a skeleton arm
a shipwrecked explorer
Outpost of the Overlord
a skeleton leg
a shipwrecked explorer
Outpost of the Overlord
a skeleton objurgatory hunger
a shipwrecked explorer
Outpost of the Overlord
a skeleton reanimation rune
a shipwrecked explorer
Outpost of the Overlord
a skeleton sorrow core
a shipwrecked explorer
Outpost of the Overlord
a vial of bovine blood
a cow
Outpost of the Overlord
a vial of spectral essence
a fallen Tunarian
Outpost of the Overlord
abalone shell
Outpost of the Overlord
Adrium's Guard
Overseer Adrium
Outpost of the Overlord
Advanced Jeweler Volume 46
a klakdroid enforcer
Outpost of the Overlord
Ambush (Adept I)
Outpost of the Overlord
an ethereal nerve
a fallen Tunarian
Outpost of the Overlord
an insect stinger
a soldier bee
Outpost of the Overlord
an insect wing
a soldier bee
Outpost of the Overlord
ancient note of runes
a klakdroid gate watcher
Outpost of the Overlord
ancient tablet
a shipwrecked swashbuckler
Outpost of the Overlord
a cow elk
Outpost of the Overlord
Antler Plated Chestguard
a bull elk
Outpost of the Overlord
Aquatic Research Notebook
Outpost of the Overlord
Arcane Bindings (Adept I)
a trained wolf
Outpost of the Overlord
Arrow Frenzy (Master I)
a primeval clockwork laborer
Outpost of the Overlord
azure charm
a fallen Tunarian
Outpost of the Overlord
Back Attack (Adept I)
Outpost of the Overlord
Barbs (Adept I)
Falconer Lithkeen
Outpost of the Overlord
Bear Skin Boots
a giant wilderbear
Outpost of the Overlord
Beastmaster Sleeves
Falconer Lithkeen
Outpost of the Overlord
Bind (Adept I)
a cow
Outpost of the Overlord
black spider silk
a shipwrecked swashbuckler
Outpost of the Overlord
Bladefin Leggings
Outpost of the Overlord
Bloodseeker's Belt
a trained wolf
Outpost of the Overlord
Bloodseeker's Bracelet
a cliffdiver hawk
Outpost of the Overlord
Bloodseeker's Earring
a small sand tortoise
Outpost of the Overlord
Bloodseeker's Ring
a Queen Bee
Outpost of the Overlord