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42 result(s) for zones like "into combat by casting Piercing Shrill on Swiftwin"
a tuft of werewolf fur
a Moonshriek brute
into combat by casting Piercing Shrill on Swiftwin
a werewolf fang
a Moonshriek rageeater
into combat by casting Piercing Shrill on Swiftwin
a werewolf jaw
a Moonshriek savager
into combat by casting Piercing Shrill on Swiftwin
a werewolf spine
a Moonshriek rageeater
into combat by casting Piercing Shrill on Swiftwin
advanced craftsman volume 12
a Moonshriek brute
into combat by casting Piercing Shrill on Swiftwin
advanced craftsman volume 13
a Moonshriek shanker
into combat by casting Piercing Shrill on Swiftwin
Advanced Outfitter One Handed Weapons Volume 12
a Moonshriek brute
into combat by casting Piercing Shrill on Swiftwin
Advanced Scholar Volume 13
a Moonshriek savager
into combat by casting Piercing Shrill on Swiftwin
badge of honor
a Briarstone bloodsipper
into combat by casting Piercing Shrill on Swiftwin
Blackened Iron Relic
a Moonshriek brute
into combat by casting Piercing Shrill on Swiftwin
Bleed (Adept I)
a Moonshriek rageeater
into combat by casting Piercing Shrill on Swiftwin
Bonespire Dust Belt
a Briarstone ancient
into combat by casting Piercing Shrill on Swiftwin
Bonespire Marrow Ring
Taril V'lenial
into combat by casting Piercing Shrill on Swiftwin
chipped shard of abjuration
into combat by casting Piercing Shrill on Swiftwin
chipped shard of channeling
into combat by casting Piercing Shrill on Swiftwin
chipped shard of conjuration
into combat by casting Piercing Shrill on Swiftwin
Coral Amulet
a Moonshriek savager
into combat by casting Piercing Shrill on Swiftwin
Coral Scrying Stone
a Moonshriek brute
into combat by casting Piercing Shrill on Swiftwin
Corrosive Bolt (Adept I)
a Moonshriek savager
into combat by casting Piercing Shrill on Swiftwin
Enigma of the Armorer Volume 2
a Moonshriek brute
into combat by casting Piercing Shrill on Swiftwin
Enigma of the Sage Volume 2
a Moonshriek savager
into combat by casting Piercing Shrill on Swiftwin
Enigma of the Woodworker Volume 2
a Moonshriek savager
into combat by casting Piercing Shrill on Swiftwin
flask of rancid water
a Moonshriek brute
into combat by casting Piercing Shrill on Swiftwin
Howling Bracelet
a Moonshriek savager
into combat by casting Piercing Shrill on Swiftwin
Howling Chainmail Gloves
a Moonshriek brute
into combat by casting Piercing Shrill on Swiftwin