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27 result(s) for zones like "into combat by casting Cleave Flesh on Boil"
a poison gland
a lurid shadowlurker
into combat by casting Cleave Flesh on Boil
a skeleton leg
a Shin`Ree apprentice
into combat by casting Cleave Flesh on Boil
a skeleton objurgatory hunger
a Shin`Ree pawn
into combat by casting Cleave Flesh on Boil
advanced craftsman volume 13
a lurid crawler
into combat by casting Cleave Flesh on Boil
Advanced Scholar Volume 13
a Shin`Ree apprentice
into combat by casting Cleave Flesh on Boil
Advanced Scholar Volume 15
a sentry of Ree
into combat by casting Cleave Flesh on Boil
an accumulation of plasma
a primordial seep
into combat by casting Cleave Flesh on Boil
an orc ear
a sentry of Ree
into combat by casting Cleave Flesh on Boil
an orc eye
a scout of Ree
into combat by casting Cleave Flesh on Boil
an orc tooth
a Ree jailer
into combat by casting Cleave Flesh on Boil
badge of honor
a Ree defender
into combat by casting Cleave Flesh on Boil
Blackened Iron Relic
a raider of Ree
into combat by casting Cleave Flesh on Boil
Mess Sergeant Slogg
into combat by casting Cleave Flesh on Boil
bone ear spike
a Shin`Ree apprentice
into combat by casting Cleave Flesh on Boil
lustrous mineral cluster
a Ree jailer
into combat by casting Cleave Flesh on Boil
Mystery Meat Moccasins
Mess Sergeant Slogg
into combat by casting Cleave Flesh on Boil
Orc Smuggler Requisition
a raider of Ree
into combat by casting Cleave Flesh on Boil
Paraffin Sealed Document
a Ree defender
into combat by casting Cleave Flesh on Boil
pit pushers
a sentry of Ree
into combat by casting Cleave Flesh on Boil
plain crystal shard
a storeroom laborer
into combat by casting Cleave Flesh on Boil
Ree Guardian Helm
a Ree underguard
into combat by casting Cleave Flesh on Boil
Ree Guardian Leggings
a sentry of Ree
into combat by casting Cleave Flesh on Boil
Shin`Ree shield
a Shin`Ree apprentice
into combat by casting Cleave Flesh on Boil
signet of ree
a raider of Ree
into combat by casting Cleave Flesh on Boil
small decaying bone
a Ree defender
into combat by casting Cleave Flesh on Boil