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44 result(s) for zones like "into combat by casting Chimes of Blades on yoursel"
a Di'Zok sarnak beak
a Gorowyn knight dragoon
into combat by casting Chimes of Blades on yoursel
a Di'Zok sarnak claw
a Gorowyn high priest
into combat by casting Chimes of Blades on yoursel
a Di'Zok sarnak tail
a Gorowyn high priest
into combat by casting Chimes of Blades on yoursel
a skeleton objurgatory hunger
into combat by casting Chimes of Blades on yoursel
a skeleton sorrow core
Baron Yosig
into combat by casting Chimes of Blades on yoursel
Advanced Carpenter Volume 77
a crypt juggernaut
into combat by casting Chimes of Blades on yoursel
Advanced Tailor Volume 78
Librarian Zimor
into combat by casting Chimes of Blades on yoursel
Advanced Weaponsmith Volume 77
a crypt juggernaut
into combat by casting Chimes of Blades on yoursel
Antonican Chivalry Token
into combat by casting Chimes of Blades on yoursel
Asylum (Adept I)
Stalis Ra'Dal
into combat by casting Chimes of Blades on yoursel
bejeweled miniature dagger
an Immortal guardian
into combat by casting Chimes of Blades on yoursel
Body Check (Adept I)
Nortalz Di'Zok
into combat by casting Chimes of Blades on yoursel
chipped ivory mask
a tormented krup
into combat by casting Chimes of Blades on yoursel
Deklium Relic
a Gorowyn knight dragoon
into combat by casting Chimes of Blades on yoursel
Di'Zok Claw
a Gorowyn knight dragoon
into combat by casting Chimes of Blades on yoursel
Draconic Amulet of the Stoic
into combat by casting Chimes of Blades on yoursel
Draconic Pouch of Beasts
Nortalz Di'Zok
into combat by casting Chimes of Blades on yoursel
Draconic Pouch of the Stoic
Queen Velazul Dizok
into combat by casting Chimes of Blades on yoursel
Draconic Roundshield of the Nimble
Imperial Crypt Guardian
into combat by casting Chimes of Blades on yoursel
Draconic Sandals of Mirrors
a Gorowyn knight dragoon
into combat by casting Chimes of Blades on yoursel
Draconic Staff of Fangs
Queen Velazul Dizok
into combat by casting Chimes of Blades on yoursel
Draconic Vest of Clouds
an imperial construct
into combat by casting Chimes of Blades on yoursel
Emerald Amulet
into combat by casting Chimes of Blades on yoursel
Emerald Scrying Stone
a Sathirian tracker
into combat by casting Chimes of Blades on yoursel
Enigma of the Provisioner Volume 8
an Immortal knight
into combat by casting Chimes of Blades on yoursel