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88 result(s) for items like "girdle of t"
Allyrian Girdle of Trickery
Tuer'el of the Delves
Aether Wroughtlands: The Delves [Raid]
Ankh Embossed Girdle of the Enduring
Arazul, Hand of the Godking
The Silent City
Banded Girdle of the Balanzite Colossus
Banded Girdle of the Balanzite Colossus
Va Dyn Khar
Vex Thal: Labyrinth of Solace [Raid]
Blessed Girdle of the Initiate
a Sabertooth Howler
Decreed Shadowblocker's Girdle of the Eom Va Zethon
Eom Va Zethon
Vex Thal: Den of Shadows [Heroic II]
Defender's Girdle of the Mist
Dominant Girdle of the Ragebourne Guardian
ragebourne elite guard
Sullon's Spire [Challenge]
Festering Girdle of the Bounty
Shadeweaver's Thicket
Fortified Girdle of the Boundless
Fortified Girdle of the Mountain
Girdle of the Avazek Challenger
Arch-Depracator Vorkin
Throne of Storms
Girdle of the Barren Hero
Girdle of the Biblioghost
Girdle of the Blades
Girdle of The Cenobite
Kaxor the Cenobite
The Temple of Cazic-Thule
Girdle of the Cleanser
Xorlac the Cleanser
Miragul's Phylactery: The Crucible
Girdle of the Contestant
Girdle of the Crusher
Sorcerer V'Noth
Crushbone Keep
Girdle of the Day
The Barren Sky
Girdle of the Di'Zok Spirit
Girdle of the Earth Guardians
Girdle of the Enduring Challenge
Girdle of the Engineer
Aegragis the Engineer
Temple of Veeshan: Vulak'Aerr's Dominion [Heroic]
Girdle of the Frostcoat
Girdle of the Frozen Zealot
Girdle of the Gall
Spikesnot the Gall
Doomfire: Elements of Rage [Solo]
Girdle of the Ghoul Summoner
Captain Graul Anashite
The Fountain of Life
Girdle of the Giant Sandwurm
Wracklands: The Crimson Barrens [Raid]
girdle of the gorger
a raider of Ree
into combat by casting Alin's Keening Lamentation
Girdle of the Grotto
Girdle of the Grudgebearer
Girdle of the Healing Breeze
Girdle of the Heavenly Mage
Girdle of the Highborn
a Tunarian guest
Catacombes de Brumebrande
Girdle of the Immortal Castle
Girdle of the Immortal Castle
Girdle of the Indestructible
Girdle of the Insolent
a blightbeast
Girdle of the Kromzek Frostvicar
Girdle of the Lozonn
a rotting bullgore
The Vigilant: Final Destruction
Girdle of the Lupine Warrior
Captain Graul Anashite
The Fountain of Life
Girdle of the Master Armorer
Armorsmith Gravik
Solusek's Eye
Girdle of the Mistress' Rage
Manifestation of Tserrina's Rage
Tower of Frozen Shadow
Girdle of the Old Paineel Guard
Guard-Captain Val'drin
The Hole
Girdle of the Overlord
The Kra`thuk
Girdle of the Pacer
an idle handler
The Hole
Girdle of the Plaguebringers
The Experiment
Temple of Veeshan: Laboratory of Mutation [Heroic]
Girdle of the Plainstalker
The Black Death
The Mystic Lake
Girdle of the Plunderer
Girdle of the Pouncer
Rockhopper Pouncer
The Blinding: Twisted Vista [Raid]
Girdle of the Queen
Enraged Shik'Nar Imperiatrix
The Blinding: Twisted Vista [Challenge Raid]
Girdle of the Ragebourne Guardian
ragebourne elite guard
Sullon's Spire
Girdle of the Reaper
Girdle of the Scaled Protectors
Girdle of the Scalekeeper
Nortlav the Scalekeeper
Spirit's Resonance
Girdle of the Stonebrunt Savior
Girdle of the Unforgiven
Sir Loros Highgarden
Befallen: Halls of the Forsaken
Girdle of the Veiled Champion
Champion of the Veiled One
Awuidor: The Veiled Precipice [Event Heroic]
Girdle of the Vigilant
Girdle of the Winds
Girdle of the Wisps
The Wight Specter
Vasty Deep: The Vestigial Cella
Girdle of the Zol Knight
a royal guk knight
The Ruins of Guk: The Lower Corridors
Girdle of Thyr
Girdle of Torden's Lightning
Girdle of Twin Wrath
Forgotten Overseer Brokentusk
Hold of Rime: The Ascent
Girdle of Tychron
Tychron the Exsulator
Kael Drakkel
Hammered Girdle of the Maelstrom
Hardened Girdle of the Aquanaut
Heavy Golden Girdle of the Terranauts
Idolater's Girdle of the Sambata
Ercel Bloodpaw
Aurelian Coast: Sambata Village [Heroic]
Ivy-Shrouded Girdle of Tunare
Overseer's Mesh Girdle of Trade
Plated Girdle of Teralid Chitin
Plated Girdle of the Ill-Seen
a magma walker
Maldura: District of Ash [Heroic]
Polished Girdle of the Glorious Depths
Vegarlson: The Terrene Rift [Event Heroic]
Protective Girdle of the Lost
Reinforced Girdle of the Ragebourne Guardian
ragebourne elite guard
Sullon's Spire [Challenge]
Repaired Girdle of the Terranai
Resonating Girdle of the Terranai
Scaled Girdle of the Blasphem
The Wight Specter
Vasty Deep: The Vestigial Cella
Solid Girdle of the Bounty
Jynhadar the Solid
Shadeweaver's Thicket
Spiked Girdle of the Idol
Idol of Rallos Zek
The Temple of Rallos Zek
Stalker's Girdle of the Mist
Stalwart Girdle of the Gindan Commander
Stalwart Girdle of the Terranai
Vibrant Girdle of the Krayte Titan
Krayte, Titan of Colors
Vaashkaani, Alcazar of Zimara: Chromatic Chamber [
Vine Etched Girdle of Tunare's Champion