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45 result(s) for mobs like "a disciple of shadow"
"Remembrances - Berrox"
a disciple of shadow
The Obelisk of Lost Souls
"Remembrances - Norrath"
a disciple of shadow
The Obelisk of Lost Souls
a glossy horn fragment
a disciple of shadow
The Obelisk of Lost Souls
a vial of fiendish blood
a disciple of shadow
The Obelisk of Lost Souls
Advanced Alchemist Volume 46
a disciple of shadow
The Obelisk of Lost Souls
Advanced Armorer Volume 46
a disciple of shadow
The Obelisk of Lost Souls
Advanced Carpenter Volume 46
a disciple of shadow
The Obelisk of Lost Souls
Advanced Jeweler Volume 46
a disciple of shadow
The Obelisk of Lost Souls
Advanced Sage Volume 46
a disciple of shadow
The Obelisk of Lost Souls
Advanced Tailor Volume 46
a disciple of shadow
The Obelisk of Lost Souls
Advanced Weaponsmith Volume 46
a disciple of shadow
The Obelisk of Lost Souls
Aery Stalker (Adept I)
a disciple of shadow
The Obelisk of Lost Souls
ancient gold coin
a disciple of shadow
The Obelisk of Lost Souls
ancient note of runes
a disciple of shadow
The Obelisk of Lost Souls
battle worn trinket
a disciple of shadow
The Obelisk of Lost Souls
Beeswax Sealed Document
a disciple of shadow
The Obelisk of Lost Souls
Construct of Logic (Adept I)
a disciple of shadow
The Obelisk of Lost Souls
Devouring Thoughts (Master I)
a disciple of shadow
The Obelisk of Lost Souls
Dirty Punch (Adept I)
a disciple of shadow
The Obelisk of Lost Souls
Ebon Relic
a disciple of shadow
The Obelisk of Lost Souls
Ebon Storm Gem
a disciple of shadow
The Obelisk of Lost Souls
Ebon Storm Gem
a disciple of shadow
The Obelisk of Lost Souls
Enigma of the Alchemist Volume 5
a disciple of shadow
The Obelisk of Lost Souls
Enigma of the Carpenter Volume 5
a disciple of shadow
The Obelisk of Lost Souls
Enigma of the Jeweler Volume 5
a disciple of shadow
The Obelisk of Lost Souls