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815 result(s) for zones like "The Wailing Caves"
Fighter's Breastplate
a Shin`Ree apprentice
The Wailing Caves
a damaged average quality rat pelt
a debris scavenger
The Wailing Caves
a damaged average quality wolf pelt
a bloodthirsty worg
The Wailing Caves
a djinn hand
an Uruvan guard
The Wailing Caves
a ghost emotion resonance
a Shin'Ree spirit
The Wailing Caves
a ghost ethereal strand
a Shin'Ree spirit
The Wailing Caves
a ghost phantasmal echo
a Shin'Ree spirit
The Wailing Caves
a ghost remnant memory
a spectral shriller
The Wailing Caves
a ghost vile plasm
a Shin'Ree spirit
The Wailing Caves
a goblin claw
Ghi'Zard the Worg Master
The Wailing Caves
a goblin ear
Ghi'Zard the Worg Master
The Wailing Caves
a goblin spine
Ghi'Zard the Worg Master
The Wailing Caves
a goblin tooth
Ghi'Zard the Worg Master
The Wailing Caves
a large orcish key
Kyllik the Fated
The Wailing Caves
a mucous encrusted tendril
a primordial seep
The Wailing Caves
a poison gland
a lurid creeper
The Wailing Caves
a ring blank
Advisor Kre'lak
The Wailing Caves
a skeleton arm
a Shin`Ree aggressor
The Wailing Caves
a skeleton leg
a Shin`Ree avenger
The Wailing Caves
a skeleton objurgatory hunger
a Shin`Ree aggressor
The Wailing Caves
a skeleton reanimation rune
a Shin`Ree avenger
The Wailing Caves
a skeleton sorrow core
a Shin`Ree aggressor
The Wailing Caves
a small orcish key
Advisor Kre'lak
The Wailing Caves
a stylized dagger
a hoard hound
The Wailing Caves
a vial of spectral essence
a Shin'Ree spirit
The Wailing Caves
Accord (Adept I)
The Spirit of General Zherg
The Wailing Caves
Accretion (Adept I)
a Shin`Ree avenger
The Wailing Caves
Accretion (Master I)
Advisor Kre'lak
The Wailing Caves
advanced craftsman volume 12
a lurid ripper
The Wailing Caves
advanced craftsman volume 13
a lurid crawler
The Wailing Caves
advanced craftsman volume 14
a lurid creeper
The Wailing Caves
advanced craftsman volume 15
The Wailing Caves
advanced craftsman volume 16
a Ree protector
The Wailing Caves
advanced craftsman volume 17
Kyllik the Fated
The Wailing Caves
advanced craftsman volume 18
Lord Ree
The Wailing Caves
Advanced Outfitter Cloth Armor Volume 18
Lord Ree
The Wailing Caves
Advanced Outfitter Leather Armor Volume 15
The Wailing Caves
Advanced Outfitter One Handed Weapons Volume 12
a Shin`Ree avenger
The Wailing Caves
Advanced Outfitter Two Handed Weapons Volume 16
Weaponsmith Brothek
The Wailing Caves
Advanced Outfitter Volume 13
a lurid crawler
The Wailing Caves
Advanced Outfitter Volume 14
a lurid creeper
The Wailing Caves
Advanced Outfitter Volume 17
Kyllik the Fated
The Wailing Caves
Advanced Scholar Accessories Volume 16
a raider of Ree
The Wailing Caves
Advanced Scholar Scrolls Volume 14
a sentry of Ree
The Wailing Caves
Advanced Scholar Scrolls Volume 18
Ghi'Zard the Worg Master
The Wailing Caves
Advanced Scholar Volume 13
a lurid crawler
The Wailing Caves
Advanced Scholar Volume 15
The Wailing Caves
Advanced Scholar Volume 17
The Spirit of General Zherg
The Wailing Caves
Advanced Weaponsmith Volume 58
a Unique Form
The Wailing Caves
Aggression (Adept I)
Advisor Kre'lak
The Wailing Caves