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178 result(s) for zones like "The Temple of Scale: Pedestal of the Priestess"
a drake scale
devotee of the Awakened
The Temple of Scale: Pedestal of the Priestess
a drakota claw
devotee of the Awakened
The Temple of Scale: Pedestal of the Priestess
a drakota eye
devotee of the Awakened
The Temple of Scale: Pedestal of the Priestess
a drakota scale
devotee of the Awakened
The Temple of Scale: Pedestal of the Priestess
a drakota tooth
devotee of the Awakened
The Temple of Scale: Pedestal of the Priestess
a droag jaw
a Scaleborn soulclencher
The Temple of Scale: Pedestal of the Priestess
a droag ribcage
a Scaleborn soulclencher
The Temple of Scale: Pedestal of the Priestess
a sphinx eye amulet
a Scaleborn soulclencher
The Temple of Scale: Pedestal of the Priestess
a vial of dragon blood
Harla Dar
The Temple of Scale: Pedestal of the Priestess
a vial of drake blood
devotee of the Awakened
The Temple of Scale: Pedestal of the Priestess
Absolution (Master I)
Harla Dar
The Temple of Scale: Pedestal of the Priestess
Absolving Flames (Master I)
Harla Dar
The Temple of Scale: Pedestal of the Priestess
Advanced Alchemist Volume 69
Harla Dar
The Temple of Scale: Pedestal of the Priestess
Advanced Armorer Volume 68
Scale: Pedestal of the Priestess
The Temple of Scale: Pedestal of the Priestess
Advanced Armorer Volume 69
devotee of the Awakened
The Temple of Scale: Pedestal of the Priestess
Advanced Carpenter Volume 69
keeper of the Awakened
The Temple of Scale: Pedestal of the Priestess
Advanced Jeweler Volume 66
Scale: Pedestal of the Priestess
The Temple of Scale: Pedestal of the Priestess
Advanced Jeweler Volume 69
Scale: Pedestal of the Priestess
The Temple of Scale: Pedestal of the Priestess
Advanced Sage Volume 69
devotee of the Awakened
The Temple of Scale: Pedestal of the Priestess
Advanced Tailor Volume 65
Harla Dar
The Temple of Scale: Pedestal of the Priestess
Advanced Tailor Volume 68
Scale: Pedestal of the Priestess
The Temple of Scale: Pedestal of the Priestess
Advanced Tailor Volume 69
devotee of the Awakened
The Temple of Scale: Pedestal of the Priestess
Advanced Weaponsmith Volume 66
Scale: Pedestal of the Priestess
The Temple of Scale: Pedestal of the Priestess
Advanced Weaponsmith Volume 69
devotee of the Awakened
The Temple of Scale: Pedestal of the Priestess
Advanced Woodworker Volume 67
Scale: Pedestal of the Priestess
The Temple of Scale: Pedestal of the Priestess