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165 result(s) for zones like "The Shattered Vale"
Blackened Iron Relic
a Sabertooth champion
The Shattered Vale
Burning Agony (Adept I)
a Sabertooth oracle
The Shattered Vale
Coral Amulet
a Sabertooth mystic
The Shattered Vale
Coral Scrying Stone
a Sabertooth oracle
The Shattered Vale
cracked iron stein
a Sabertooth champion
The Shattered Vale
Enigma of the Jeweler Volume 2
a Sabertooth mystic
The Shattered Vale
flask of rancid water
a Sabertooth sentry
The Shattered Vale
giant meat
Ungruthar the Juggernaut
The Shattered Vale
gnoll hard candy
a Sabertooth mystic
The Shattered Vale
intricate metal bowl
a Sabertooth champion
The Shattered Vale
iron chainmail bracers
a Sabertooth mystic
The Shattered Vale
Legplates of the Illusionist
Ungruthar the Juggernaut
The Shattered Vale
old silver coin
a Sabertooth oracle
The Shattered Vale
plain crystal shard
a Sabertooth sentry
The Shattered Vale
pouch of peat
a Sabertooth bonechaser
The Shattered Vale
small decaying bone
a Sabertooth oracle
The Shattered Vale
Verdure (Adept I)
Ungruthar the Juggernaut
The Shattered Vale
a fine chain mold
Enraged Elemental Being
The Shattered Vale: A Bold Confrontation
a fine leather pattern
Enraged Elemental Being
The Shattered Vale: A Bold Confrontation
a fine plate mold
Enraged Elemental Being
The Shattered Vale: A Bold Confrontation
a fine silk pattern
Enraged Elemental Being
The Shattered Vale: A Bold Confrontation
a globe of water
Enraged Elemental Being
The Shattered Vale: A Bold Confrontation
a globe of water
Enraged Elemental Being
The Shattered Vale: A Bold Confrontation
a globe of water
Enraged Elemental Being
The Shattered Vale: A Bold Confrontation
a gnoll ear
a Sabertooth curate
The Shattered Vale: A Bold Confrontation
a gnoll eye
a Sabertooth protector
The Shattered Vale: A Bold Confrontation
a gnoll paw
a Sabertooth watcher
The Shattered Vale: A Bold Confrontation
a gnoll tail
a Sabertooth protector
The Shattered Vale: A Bold Confrontation
a gnoll tooth
a Sabertooth protector
The Shattered Vale: A Bold Confrontation
a sturdy chain mold
High Shaman Vascha
The Shattered Vale: A Bold Confrontation
a tough leather pattern
Enraged Elemental Being
The Shattered Vale: A Bold Confrontation
a tough plate mold
High Shaman Vascha
The Shattered Vale: A Bold Confrontation
a tough silk pattern
Enraged Elemental Being
The Shattered Vale: A Bold Confrontation
a vial of breezes
Enraged Elemental Being
The Shattered Vale: A Bold Confrontation
a vial of breezes
Enraged Elemental Being
The Shattered Vale: A Bold Confrontation
a water logged stone
Enraged Elemental Being
The Shattered Vale: A Bold Confrontation
acrylia cluster
a Gnoll overseer
The Shattered Vale: A Bold Confrontation
Advanced Alchemist Volume 22
High Shaman Vascha
The Shattered Vale: A Bold Confrontation
Advanced Armorer Volume 37
a Sabertooth curate
The Shattered Vale: A Bold Confrontation
Advanced Armorer Volume 43
a Gnoll overseer
The Shattered Vale: A Bold Confrontation
Advanced Jeweler Volume 27
a Sabertooth curate
The Shattered Vale: A Bold Confrontation
Advanced Jeweler Volume 36
a Gnoll overseer
The Shattered Vale: A Bold Confrontation
Advanced Jeweler Volume 47
a Sabertooth curate
The Shattered Vale: A Bold Confrontation
Advanced Outfitter Chest and Leggings Volume 19
a Sabertooth curate
The Shattered Vale: A Bold Confrontation
Advanced Sage Volume 36
a Sabertooth curate
The Shattered Vale: A Bold Confrontation
Advanced Tailor Volume 35
a Sabertooth curate
The Shattered Vale: A Bold Confrontation
Advanced Woodworker Volume 46
a Sabertooth curate
The Shattered Vale: A Bold Confrontation
aged platinum symbol
a Sabertooth curate
The Shattered Vale: A Bold Confrontation
an elemental binding rune
Enraged Elemental Being
The Shattered Vale: A Bold Confrontation
an elemental planar seed
Enraged Elemental Being
The Shattered Vale: A Bold Confrontation