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2482 result(s) for zones like "Charasis: Vault of Eternal Sleep"
a ghost emotion resonance
a haunting spectre
Charasis: Vault of Eternal Sleep
a ghost ethereal strand
a sepulchre spirit
Charasis: Vault of Eternal Sleep
a ghost phantasmal echo
a sepulchre spirit
Charasis: Vault of Eternal Sleep
a ghost remnant memory
a nightmarish vision
Charasis: Vault of Eternal Sleep
a ghost vile plasm
a haunting spirit
Charasis: Vault of Eternal Sleep
a skeleton arm
a helot skeleton
Charasis: Vault of Eternal Sleep
a skeleton leg
an undertaker supplicant
Charasis: Vault of Eternal Sleep
a skeleton objurgatory hunger
Praetor of the Phylactery
Charasis: Vault of Eternal Sleep
a skeleton reanimation rune
an undertaker skeleton
Charasis: Vault of Eternal Sleep
a skeleton sorrow core
an undertaker skeleton
Charasis: Vault of Eternal Sleep
a sphinx eye amulet
a helot skeleton
Charasis: Vault of Eternal Sleep
Abominable Crest
The Keeper of Nightmares
Charasis: Vault of Eternal Sleep
Abomination (Adept I)
The Keeper of Nightmares
Charasis: Vault of Eternal Sleep
Abomination (Master I)
The Keeper of Nightmares
Charasis: Vault of Eternal Sleep
Absolute Corruption (Adept I)
Guardian of Eternity
Charasis: Vault of Eternal Sleep
Absolution (Adept I)
Praetor of the Phylactery
Charasis: Vault of Eternal Sleep
Abwehrbann (Meister I)
a languid guardian
Charasis: Vault of Eternal Sleep
Acid (Adept I)
The Keeper of Dreams
Charasis: Vault of Eternal Sleep
Acid Storm (Adept I)
Guardian of Eternity
Charasis: Vault of Eternal Sleep
Adamantine Fist (Adept I)
The Keeper of Nightmares
Charasis: Vault of Eternal Sleep
Adrenaline (Adept I)
Guardian of Eternity
Charasis: Vault of Eternal Sleep
Advanced Alchemist Volume 75
The Keeper of Nightmares
Charasis: Vault of Eternal Sleep
Advanced Alchemist Volume 76
Guardian of Eternity
Charasis: Vault of Eternal Sleep
Advanced Alchemist Volume 77
a sepulchre spirit
Charasis: Vault of Eternal Sleep
Advanced Alchemist Volume 78
a helot spirit
Charasis: Vault of Eternal Sleep
Advanced Alchemist Volume 79
a dormant guardian
Charasis: Vault of Eternal Sleep
Advanced Armorer Volume 75
The Keeper of Dreams
Charasis: Vault of Eternal Sleep
Advanced Armorer Volume 76
Praetor of the Phylactery
Charasis: Vault of Eternal Sleep
Advanced Armorer Volume 77
a sepulchre spectre
Charasis: Vault of Eternal Sleep
Advanced Armorer Volume 78
a bottomless gnawer
Charasis: Vault of Eternal Sleep
Advanced Armorer Volume 79
a haunting spirit
Charasis: Vault of Eternal Sleep
Advanced Carpenter Volume 75
The Keeper of Dreams
Charasis: Vault of Eternal Sleep
Advanced Carpenter Volume 76
The Keeper of Nightmares
Charasis: Vault of Eternal Sleep
Advanced Carpenter Volume 77
an undertaker skeleton
Charasis: Vault of Eternal Sleep
Advanced Carpenter Volume 78
a crypt defender
Charasis: Vault of Eternal Sleep
Advanced Carpenter Volume 79
an entranced guardian
Charasis: Vault of Eternal Sleep
Advanced Jeweler Volume 75
The Keeper of Nightmares
Charasis: Vault of Eternal Sleep
Advanced Jeweler Volume 76
The Keeper of Dreams
Charasis: Vault of Eternal Sleep
Advanced Jeweler Volume 77
a sepulchre skeleton
Charasis: Vault of Eternal Sleep
Advanced Jeweler Volume 78
a bottomless gnawer
Charasis: Vault of Eternal Sleep
Advanced Jeweler Volume 79
a haunting spectre
Charasis: Vault of Eternal Sleep
Advanced Sage Volume 75
The Keeper of Nightmares
Charasis: Vault of Eternal Sleep
Advanced Sage Volume 76
Guardian of Eternity
Charasis: Vault of Eternal Sleep
Advanced Sage Volume 77
a sepulchre spectre
Charasis: Vault of Eternal Sleep
Advanced Sage Volume 78
a helot skeleton
Charasis: Vault of Eternal Sleep
Advanced Sage Volume 79
an undertaker supplicant
Charasis: Vault of Eternal Sleep
Advanced Tailor Volume 75
Praetor of the Phylactery
Charasis: Vault of Eternal Sleep
Advanced Tailor Volume 76
Guardian of Eternity
Charasis: Vault of Eternal Sleep
Advanced Tailor Volume 77
Praetor of the Phylactery
Charasis: Vault of Eternal Sleep
Advanced Tailor Volume 78
a helot skeleton
Charasis: Vault of Eternal Sleep
Advanced Tailor Volume 79
an undertaker supplicant
Charasis: Vault of Eternal Sleep
Advanced Weaponsmith Volume 75
Praetor of the Phylactery
Charasis: Vault of Eternal Sleep
Advanced Weaponsmith Volume 76
Guardian of Eternity
Charasis: Vault of Eternal Sleep
Advanced Weaponsmith Volume 77
an elementalbone skeleton
Charasis: Vault of Eternal Sleep
Advanced Weaponsmith Volume 78
a helot spirit
Charasis: Vault of Eternal Sleep
Advanced Weaponsmith Volume 79
Ganak's tomb guardian
Charasis: Vault of Eternal Sleep
Advanced Woodworker Volume 75
Guardian of Eternity
Charasis: Vault of Eternal Sleep
Advanced Woodworker Volume 76
The Keeper of Dreams
Charasis: Vault of Eternal Sleep
Advanced Woodworker Volume 77
a sepulchre spirit
Charasis: Vault of Eternal Sleep
Advanced Woodworker Volume 78
a helot skeleton
Charasis: Vault of Eternal Sleep
Advanced Woodworker Volume 79
a torpid guardian
Charasis: Vault of Eternal Sleep
Allegretto (Adept I)
Praetor of the Phylactery
Charasis: Vault of Eternal Sleep
Amazing Arrow (Adept I)
The Keeper of Nightmares
Charasis: Vault of Eternal Sleep
Anarchism (Adept I)
The Keeper of Nightmares
Charasis: Vault of Eternal Sleep
Anarchism (Master I)
Ganak's tomb guardian
Charasis: Vault of Eternal Sleep
Ancestral Avatar (Adept I)
Praetor of the Phylactery
Charasis: Vault of Eternal Sleep
Ancestral Avatar (Master I)
Praetor of the Phylactery
Charasis: Vault of Eternal Sleep
Ancestral Avenger (Adept I)
Guardian of Eternity
Charasis: Vault of Eternal Sleep
Ancestral Balm (Adept I)
The Keeper of Dreams
Charasis: Vault of Eternal Sleep
Ancestral Sentry (Adept I)
Guardian of Eternity
Charasis: Vault of Eternal Sleep
Ancient Aegis (Adept I)
a crypt defender
Charasis: Vault of Eternal Sleep
Ancient Aegis (Master I)
a pyre golem
Charasis: Vault of Eternal Sleep
Ancient Amulet of Battle
a haunting spirit
Charasis: Vault of Eternal Sleep
Ancient Amulet of Beasts
a dormant guardian
Charasis: Vault of Eternal Sleep
Ancient Amulet of Elements
a pyre golem
Charasis: Vault of Eternal Sleep
Ancient Amulet of Fangs
a sepulchre spirit
Charasis: Vault of Eternal Sleep
Ancient Amulet of Knowledge
a helot skeleton
Charasis: Vault of Eternal Sleep
Ancient Amulet of Storms
a haunting spirit
Charasis: Vault of Eternal Sleep
Ancient Amulet of the Deep
a crypt defender
Charasis: Vault of Eternal Sleep
Ancient Amulet of the Iron-heart
an undertaker supplicant
Charasis: Vault of Eternal Sleep
Ancient Amulet of the Knight
a torpid guardian
Charasis: Vault of Eternal Sleep
Ancient Amulet of the Oceans
Ganak's tomb guardian
Charasis: Vault of Eternal Sleep
Ancient Amulet of the Stoic
Ganak's tomb guardian
Charasis: Vault of Eternal Sleep
Ancient Amulet of Vision
an undertaker skeleton
Charasis: Vault of Eternal Sleep
Ancient Armguards of Elements
a pyre golem
Charasis: Vault of Eternal Sleep
Ancient Armguards of Fangs
a sepulchre spirit
Charasis: Vault of Eternal Sleep
Ancient Armguards of Knowledge
a helot spectre
Charasis: Vault of Eternal Sleep
Ancient Armguards of Light
a sepulchre skeleton
Charasis: Vault of Eternal Sleep
Ancient Armguards of Mirrors
Praetor of the Phylactery
Charasis: Vault of Eternal Sleep
Ancient Armguards of Storms
a sepulchre skeleton
Charasis: Vault of Eternal Sleep
Ancient Armguards of Survival
a nightmarish vision
Charasis: Vault of Eternal Sleep
Ancient Armguards of the Gambler
a haunting spirit
Charasis: Vault of Eternal Sleep
Ancient Armguards of the Knight
a sepulchre spectre
Charasis: Vault of Eternal Sleep
Ancient Armguards of the Nimble
a bottomless feaster
Charasis: Vault of Eternal Sleep
Ancient Armguards of the Tempest
Guardian of Eternity
Charasis: Vault of Eternal Sleep
Ancient Armguards of Vision
a helot skeleton
Charasis: Vault of Eternal Sleep
Ancient Band of Battle
a pyre golem
Charasis: Vault of Eternal Sleep
Ancient Band of Concentration
Ganak's tomb guardian
Charasis: Vault of Eternal Sleep
Ancient Band of Light
a dormant guardian
Charasis: Vault of Eternal Sleep
Ancient Band of Mirrors
Praetor of the Phylactery
Charasis: Vault of Eternal Sleep