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54 result(s) for zones like "Awuidor: The Veiled Precipice [Solo]"
a planar elemental binding rune
Champion of E'ci
Awuidor: The Veiled Precipice [Solo]
a planar elemental essence well
a veiled assassin
Awuidor: The Veiled Precipice [Solo]
a planar elemental fascination rune
a veiled warlock
Awuidor: The Veiled Precipice [Solo]
a planar elemental prime seed
a veiled mystic
Awuidor: The Veiled Precipice [Solo]
a planar elemental summoned core
a veiled warlock
Awuidor: The Veiled Precipice [Solo]
a shard of pure malady
a veiled mystic
Awuidor: The Veiled Precipice [Solo]
a shard of sheer innovation
Champion of E'ci
Awuidor: The Veiled Precipice [Solo]
Advanced Armorer Studies 03
Champion of the Veiled One
Awuidor: The Veiled Precipice [Solo]
Advanced Tailor Studies 04
Champion of E'ci
Awuidor: The Veiled Precipice [Solo]
Archivist's Hackamore Pattern of Status
Champion of the Veiled One
Awuidor: The Veiled Precipice [Solo]
Azure Sapphire Amulet
a veiled warlock
Awuidor: The Veiled Precipice [Solo]
Azure Sapphire Insignia Ring
a veiled warlock
Awuidor: The Veiled Precipice [Solo]
Azure Sapphire Relic
a veiled assassin
Awuidor: The Veiled Precipice [Solo]
Azure Sapphire Scrying Stone
a veiled sentinel
Awuidor: The Veiled Precipice [Solo]
Blazing Avatar VI (Adept)
Champion of the Veiled One
Awuidor: The Veiled Precipice [Solo]
Bracers of Veiled Vapor
Champion of the Veiled One
Awuidor: The Veiled Precipice [Solo]
Celestial Standard Ability Mod Infuser
Champion of the Veiled One
Awuidor: The Veiled Precipice [Solo]
Celestial Standard Crit Bonus Infuser
Champion of the Veiled One
Awuidor: The Veiled Precipice [Solo]
Champion's Deft Wrist
Champion of Marr
Awuidor: The Veiled Precipice [Solo]
Champion's Ice Caked Boots
Champion of E'ci
Awuidor: The Veiled Precipice [Solo]
Champion's Icy Wand
Champion of E'ci
Awuidor: The Veiled Precipice [Solo]
Champions Ice Caked Necklace
Champion of E'ci
Awuidor: The Veiled Precipice [Solo]
Champions Ice Caked Pauldrons
Champion of E'ci
Awuidor: The Veiled Precipice [Solo]
Chaotic Essence Relic
a veiled sentinel
Awuidor: The Veiled Precipice [Solo]
Deep Coral
Awuidor: The Veiled Precipice [Solo]
Desperate Thrust VI (Master)
Champion of the Veiled One
Awuidor: The Veiled Precipice [Solo]
Gloves of the Marid King
Champion of Marr
Awuidor: The Veiled Precipice [Solo]
Headband of Veiled Vapor
Champion of the Veiled One
Awuidor: The Veiled Precipice [Solo]
Hoop of the Marid King
Champion of Marr
Awuidor: The Veiled Precipice [Solo]
Hymn of Deep Gems
Awuidor: The Veiled Precipice [Solo]
Hymn of the Deep
Awuidor: The Veiled Precipice [Solo]
Illegible Scroll Page: Elemental Amalgamation (Adept)
Champion of the Veiled One
Awuidor: The Veiled Precipice [Solo]
Illegible Scroll Page: Elemental Avatar (Adept)
Champion of the Veiled One
Awuidor: The Veiled Precipice [Solo]
Illegible Scroll Page: Terrestrial Coffin (Adept)
Champion of Marr
Awuidor: The Veiled Precipice [Solo]
Illegible Scroll: Earthen Phalanx (Master)
Champion of the Veiled One
Awuidor: The Veiled Precipice [Solo]
Ink of Fury
Awuidor: The Veiled Precipice [Solo]
Ink of Salt
Awuidor: The Veiled Precipice [Solo]
Ink of the Octopod
Awuidor: The Veiled Precipice [Solo]
Ink of Tides
Awuidor: The Veiled Precipice [Solo]
Marid King's Heavy Boots
Champion of Marr
Awuidor: The Veiled Precipice [Solo]
Mercenary: Oqdan Blisterbringer
Champion of the Veiled One
Awuidor: The Veiled Precipice [Solo]
Ministration XI (Adept)
Champion of E'ci
Awuidor: The Veiled Precipice [Solo]
Planar Fragment of Pure Magic
Champion of the Veiled One
Awuidor: The Veiled Precipice [Solo]
Planar Fragment of Storms
a veiled warlock
Awuidor: The Veiled Precipice [Solo]
Pristine Abalone Shell
Awuidor: The Veiled Precipice [Solo]
Robe of Veiled Vapor
Champion of the Veiled One
Awuidor: The Veiled Precipice [Solo]
Signet of Foam
Awuidor: The Veiled Precipice [Solo]
Signet of Intellect
Awuidor: The Veiled Precipice [Solo]
Signet of Water
Awuidor: The Veiled Precipice [Solo]
Stamp of Hydrotha
Awuidor: The Veiled Precipice [Solo]
Stamp of Kelp
Awuidor: The Veiled Precipice [Solo]
Stamp of Mana
Awuidor: The Veiled Precipice [Solo]
Stormbringer's Spiritstone
Champion of the Veiled One
Awuidor: The Veiled Precipice [Solo]
Vial of Vapor
Champion of the Veiled One
Awuidor: The Veiled Precipice [Solo]