Item Detail : carbonite platemail helm

Item namecarbonite platemail helm
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Looted/collected frominto combat by casting Dark Distortion on Anguna : the Small Chest of a defiled cavalier
Stormhold : the Small Chest of a bone blood arcanist
Stormhold : the Treasure Chest of a bone blood imp
Stormhold : the Small Chest of a zombie handmaiden
Stormhold : the Small Chest of a bone blood imp
Stormhold : the Small Chest of a boneblood fisherman
Stormhold : the treasure chest of a zombie knight
Stormhold : The treasure chest of a defiled cavalier
Stormhold : the Small Chest of a zombie knight
Stormhold : the Small Chest of a bone blood lookout
Stormhold : the Small Chest of a bone blood soldier
Stormhold : the Small Chest of a defiled cavalier
Stormhold : the Treasure Chest of a bone blood lookout
The Thundering Steppes : the Small Chest of a grassland beetle
The Thundering Steppes : the treasure chest of a fledgling antelope
The Thundering Steppes : the Small Chest of a skeletal trooper
The Thundering Steppes : the Small Chest of a young antelope
The Thundering Steppes : the Small Chest of a skeletal lieutenant