Item Detail : Imperial Hero's Mint

Item nameImperial Hero's Mint
Direct URL to this page
Item Link
Census Link
EQ2U Link
Reward from Quest(s)Guaranteed Quest Reward List:
[130] No Rest Amongst the Ruins EQ2U
[130] Tending the Gardens EQ2U
[130] Garden of Opportunity EQ2U
[130] Tera'Nothing Left Behind EQ2U
[130] More Takish'Hiz Dark Materials EQ2U
[130] Elddar Offerings Collected EQ2U
[130] Job Core Recruited EQ2U
[130] Tera'Nothing Less Than Full EQ2U
[133] Antiquities Roadshow [Heroic I] EQ2U
RecipesNo recipes create this item
Looted/collected from#00FF00Buried Takish'Hiz: Empire of Antiquity [Con : the Exquisite Chest of a royal buzzknight
#00FF00Buried Takish'Hiz: Empire of Antiquity [Con : the Exquisite Chest of Golgon
#00FF00Buried Takish'Hiz: Empire of Antiquity [Con : the Exquisite Chest of The Dazzlefly
#00FF00Buried Takish'Hiz: Empire of Antiquity [Con : the Exquisite Chest of Charex the Cheat
#00FF00Buried Takish'Hiz: Empire of Antiquity [Con : the Exquisite Chest of Lianfel Goden
#00FF00Buried Takish'Hiz: Empire of Antiquity [Con : the Exquisite Chest of Onyxum
#00FF00Buried Takish'Hiz: Empire of Antiquity [Con : the Exquisite Chest of Idol of Caedor
#00FF00Buried Takish'Hiz: Empire of Antiquity [Con : the Exquisite Chest of The Frightening of Fidello
#00FF00Buried Takish'Hiz: Empire of Antiquity [Con : the Exquisite Chest of Brunkor the Big
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