Item Detail : cadmium ore
Item name | cadmium ore |
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Reward from Quest(s) | No quests offer this item as a reward |
Recipes | Phantom Rapier of the Forerunner EQ2U Tranquil Explorer Leggings EQ2U Tranquil Spear of the Bluejacket EQ2U Phantom Cutlass of the Grimstone EQ2U Phantom Scimitar of the Forerunner EQ2U Tranquil Hammer of the Outrider EQ2U Phantom Emblazoned Tower Shield EQ2U Phantom Forerunner Tower Shield EQ2U Tranquil Striker Bracers EQ2U Tranquil Striker Gauntlets EQ2U Phantom Striker Shirt EQ2U Phantom Forerunner Sabatons EQ2U Tranquil Explorer Gauntlets EQ2U Tranquil Rapier of the Striker EQ2U Phantom Dagger of the Lodaka EQ2U Phantom Hammer of the Keshian EQ2U Phantom Dirk of the Explorer EQ2U Tranquil Cutlass of the Lodaka EQ2U Tranquil Mace of the Forerunner EQ2U Phantom Ryathian Cuirasse EQ2U Phantom Terrus Gauntlets EQ2U Phantom Deathwatch Barbute EQ2U Tranquil Emblazoned Tower Shield EQ2U Phantom Striker Tower Shield EQ2U Phantom Explorer Leggings EQ2U Tranquil Lodaka Coif EQ2U Tranquil Striker Mantle EQ2U Phantom Lodaka Coif EQ2U Tranquil Outrider Tower Shield EQ2U Tranquil Striker Boots EQ2U Phantom Forerunner Pauldrons EQ2U Tranquil Grimstone Tower Shield EQ2U Tranquil Lodaka Mantle EQ2U Tranquil Explorer Shirt EQ2U Phantom Ryathian Pauldrons EQ2U Tranquil Ryathian Greaves EQ2U Tranquil Keshian Tower Shield EQ2U Phantom Ryathian Sabatons EQ2U Phantom Lodaka Mantle EQ2U Tranquil Mace of the Explorer EQ2U Tranquil Terrus Cuirasse EQ2U Tranquil Terrus Tower Shield EQ2U Phantom Deathwatch Bracers EQ2U Phantom Keshian Tower Shield EQ2U Tranquil Forerunner Barbute EQ2U Phantom Great Axe of the Deathwatch EQ2U Phantom Harpoon of the Lodaka EQ2U Phantom Harpoon of the Keshian EQ2U Phantom Cutlass of the Bluejacket EQ2U Phantom Scimitar of the Deathwatch EQ2U Phantom Great Axe of the Striker EQ2U Tranquil Dirk of the Windjammer EQ2U Phantom Scimitar of the Lodaka EQ2U Phantom Hammer of the Outrider EQ2U Phantom Lodaka Bracers EQ2U Phantom Hammer of the Bluejacket EQ2U Phantom Spear of the Explorer EQ2U Phantom Longsword of the Forerunner EQ2U Tranquil Dirk of the Lodaka EQ2U Phantom Lodaka Boots EQ2U Phantom Dirk of the Outrider EQ2U Phantom Scimitar of the Outrider EQ2U Phantom Spear of the Forerunner EQ2U Phantom Dirk of the Lodaka EQ2U Phantom Dagger of the Keshian EQ2U Phantom Dagger of the Striker EQ2U Phantom Great Axe of the Keshian EQ2U Phantom Mace of the Lodaka EQ2U Phantom Cutlass of the Lodaka EQ2U Tranquil Hammer of the Explorer EQ2U Phantom Mace of the Bluejacket EQ2U Phantom Rapier of the Bluejacket EQ2U Phantom Dagger of the Bluejacket EQ2U Tranquil Rapier of the Keshian EQ2U Phantom Cutlass of the Outrider EQ2U Phantom Hammer of the Explorer EQ2U Phantom Rapier of the Keshian EQ2U Tranquil Great Axe of the Windjammer EQ2U Tranquil Dirk of the Forerunner EQ2U Phantom Longsword of the Bluejacket EQ2U Phantom Dirk of the Keshian EQ2U Tranquil Longsword of the Outrider EQ2U Tranquil Cutlass of the Grimstone EQ2U Phantom Hammer of the Striker EQ2U Phantom Longsword of the Outrider EQ2U Phantom Mace of the Forerunner EQ2U Phantom Dagger of the Windjammer EQ2U Phantom Spear of the Keshian EQ2U Tranquil Harpoon of the Striker EQ2U Tranquil Cutlass of the Forerunner EQ2U Tranquil Striker Coif EQ2U Tranquil Ryathian Pauldrons EQ2U Phantom Ryathian Greaves EQ2U Phantom Great Axe of the Windjammer EQ2U Tranquil Dagger of the Striker EQ2U Phantom Terrus Cuirasse EQ2U Tranquil Terrus Greaves EQ2U Phantom Deathwatch Pauldrons EQ2U Phantom Explorer Shirt EQ2U Tranquil Forerunner Bracers EQ2U Phantom Striker Gauntlets EQ2U Phantom Terrus Tower Shield EQ2U Phantom Ryathian Tower Shield EQ2U Phantom Deathwatch Sabatons EQ2U Tranquil Ryathian Tower Shield EQ2U Tranquil Cutlass of the Outrider EQ2U Tranquil Ryathian Barbute EQ2U Tranquil Lodaka Boots EQ2U Tranquil Striker Leggings EQ2U Phantom Forerunner Bracers EQ2U Phantom Outrider Tower Shield EQ2U Phantom Forerunner Barbute EQ2U Tranquil Forerunner Sabatons EQ2U Phantom Grimstone Tower Shield EQ2U Phantom Striker Boots EQ2U Phantom Ryathian Barbute EQ2U Tranquil Bluejacket Tower Shield EQ2U Phantom Deathwatch Gauntlets EQ2U Stormy Forerunner Tower Shield EQ2U Tranquil Striker Tower Shield EQ2U Tranquil Terrus Gauntlets EQ2U Phantom Longsword of the Windjammer EQ2U Tranquil Ryathian Cuirasse EQ2U Phantom Harpoon of the Outrider EQ2U Phantom Spear of the Lodaka EQ2U Phantom Ryathian Gauntlets EQ2U Phantom Mace of the Explorer EQ2U Phantom Striker Coif EQ2U Phantom Rapier of the Striker EQ2U Phantom Harpoon of the Grimstone EQ2U Phantom Longsword of the Grimstone EQ2U Phantom Spear of the Outrider EQ2U Phantom Cutlass of the Windjammer EQ2U Phantom Cutlass of the Deathwatch EQ2U Tranquil Harpoon of the Keshian EQ2U Tranquil Great Axe of the Lodaka EQ2U Phantom Dirk of the Bluejacket EQ2U Tranquil Dirk of the Explorer EQ2U Phantom Harpoon of the Striker EQ2U Tranquil Cutlass of the Explorer EQ2U Tranquil Rapier of the Forerunner EQ2U Phantom Longsword of the Deathwatch EQ2U Phantom Dirk of the Grimstone EQ2U Phantom Rapier of the Explorer EQ2U Phantom Cutlass of the Striker EQ2U Phantom Longsword of the Explorer EQ2U Phantom Harpoon of the Deathwatch EQ2U Tranquil Dirk of the Deathwatch EQ2U Tranquil Hammer of the Lodaka EQ2U Phantom Scimitar of the Keshian EQ2U Phantom Harpoon of the Forerunner EQ2U Phantom Spear of the Bluejacket EQ2U Phantom Scimitar of the Explorer EQ2U Tranquil Great Axe of the Outrider EQ2U Phantom Dirk of the Forerunner EQ2U Tranquil Hammer of the Bluejacket EQ2U Phantom Scimitar of the Windjammer EQ2U Phantom Hammer of the Lodaka EQ2U Phantom Great Axe of the Grimstone EQ2U Phantom Mace of the Keshian EQ2U Tranquil Longsword of the Lodaka EQ2U Tranquil Scimitar of the Outrider EQ2U Tranquil Dagger of the Deathwatch EQ2U Tranquil Cutlass of the Bluejacket EQ2U Tranquil Longsword of the Windjammer EQ2U Tranquil Dagger of the Lodaka EQ2U Phantom Great Axe of the Outrider EQ2U Tranquil Spear of the Outrider EQ2U Phantom Dagger of the Explorer EQ2U Phantom Harpoon of the Explorer EQ2U Tranquil Scimitar of the Forerunner EQ2U Tranquil Scimitar of the Keshian EQ2U Tranquil Dirk of the Outrider EQ2U Tranquil Harpoon of the Explorer EQ2U Phantom Hammer of the Forerunner EQ2U Phantom Deathwatch Greaves EQ2U Phantom Terrus Greaves EQ2U Phantom Mace of the Outrider EQ2U Tranquil Striker Shirt EQ2U Stormy Deathwatch Tower Shield EQ2U Tranquil Longsword of the Striker EQ2U Phantom Explorer Gauntlets EQ2U Tranquil Deathwatch Tower Shield EQ2U Phantom Striker Mantle EQ2U Tranquil Forerunner Pauldrons EQ2U Phantom Striker Leggings EQ2U Phantom Bluejacket Tower Shield EQ2U Tranquil Ryathian Bracers EQ2U Phantom Deathwatch Tower Shield EQ2U Phantom Great Axe of the Lodaka EQ2U Tranquil Lodaka Bracers EQ2U Tranquil Ryathian Gauntlets EQ2U Phantom Great Axe of the Forerunner EQ2U Phantom Dirk of the Deathwatch EQ2U Phantom Rapier of the Lodaka EQ2U Phantom Dagger of the Outrider EQ2U Tranquil Hammer of the Forerunner EQ2U Phantom Dirk of the Windjammer EQ2U Phantom Scimitar of the Bluejacket EQ2U Tranquil Mace of the Lodaka EQ2U Phantom Cutlass of the Forerunner EQ2U Tranquil Dagger of the Keshian EQ2U Tranquil Forerunner Tower Shield EQ2U Phantom Harpoon of the Windjammer EQ2U Tranquil Rapier of the Deathwatch EQ2U Phantom Longsword of the Lodaka EQ2U Phantom Cutlass of the Explorer EQ2U Phantom Dagger of the Forerunner EQ2U Tranquil Harpoon of the Deathwatch EQ2U Phantom Dagger of the Grimstone EQ2U Tranquil Ryathian Sabatons EQ2U Phantom Deathwatch Cuirasse EQ2U Phantom Striker Bracers EQ2U Phantom Ryathian Bracers EQ2U Phantom Great Axe of the Explorer EQ2U Phantom Cutlass of the Keshian EQ2U Phantom Longsword of the Keshian EQ2U Phantom Great Axe of the Bluejacket EQ2U Phantom Harpoon of the Bluejacket EQ2U Phantom Longsword of the Striker EQ2U Tranquil Dirk of the Keshian EQ2U Tranquil Cutlass of the Windjammer EQ2U Tranquil Dirk of the Bluejacket EQ2U Phantom Rapier of the Deathwatch EQ2U |
Looted/collected from | No zone information on record. |