Item Detail : aviak love note

Item nameaviak love note
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Reward from Quest(s)No quests offer this item as a reward
RecipesNo recipes create this item
Looted/collected fromAscent of the Awakened : the corpse of disciple of The Slashing Talon
Ascent of the Awakened : the corpse of scholar of the Icy Breath
Ascent of the Awakened : the corpse of learner of the Fire Breath
Ascent of the Awakened : the corpse of protector of The Slashing Talon
Ascent of the Awakened : the corpse of disciple of The Slashing Talon
Ascent of the Awakened : the corpse of conscript of the Icy Breath
Ascent of the Awakened : the corpse of channeler of the Flapping Wing
Ascent of the Awakened : the corpse of adept of the Flapping Wing
Butcherblock Mountains : the corpse of a Kragploom scavenger
Butcherblock Mountains : the corpse of a Kragploom chick
Butcherblock Mountains : the corpse of a Kragploom enigmatist
Butcherblock Mountains : the corpse of a Kragploom predator
Butcherblock Mountains : the corpse of a Kragploom hoodwink
Butcherblock Mountains : the corpse of a Haoaeran lightchanter
Butcherblock Mountains : the corpse of a Kragploom scavenger
Butcherblock Mountains : the corpse of a Kragploom predator
Butcherblock Mountains : the corpse of a Haoaeran advancer
Citadel of V'uul : the corpse of an Avazek Bishop
Elements of War : the corpse of a winged assaulter
Palace of the Awakened : the corpse of a Blacktalon initiate
Palace of the Awakened : the corpse of a Blacktalon hatchling
Palace of the Awakened : the corpse of a Blacktalon savant
Palace of the Awakened : the corpse of a Blacktalon tinker
Palace of the Awakened : the corpse of a Blacktalon taskmaster
Palace of the Awakened : the corpse of a Blacktalon palace guard
Palace of the Awakened : the corpse of a Blacktalon palace guard
Palace of the Awakened : the corpse of a Blacktalon palace knight
Palace of the Awakened : the corpse of a Blacktalon summoner
Palace of the Awakened : the corpse of a Blacktalon vanquisher
Palace of the Awakened : the corpse of a Blacktalon watcher
Palace of the Awakened : the corpse of a Blacktalon partisan
Palace of the Awakened : the corpse of a Blacktalon follower
Palace of the Awakened : the corpse of a Blacktalon disciple
Palace of the Awakened : the corpse of a Blacktalon palace knight
Palace of the Awakened : the corpse of a Blacktalon summoner
Palace of the Awakened : the corpse of a Blacktalon watcher
Palace of the Awakened : the corpse of a Blacktalon vanquisher
Palace of the Awakened : the corpse of Superintendent Nimclaw
Palace of the Awakened : the corpse of a Blacktalon caretaker
Palace of the Awakened : the corpse of a Blacktalon attendant
Palace of the Awakened : the corpse of a Blacktalon caretaker
Palace of the Awakened : the corpse of a Blacktalon coadjutant
Palace of the Awakened : the corpse of Captain Krivak
Palace of the Awakened : the corpse of a Blacktalon crafter
Palace of the Awakened : the corpse of Hero of the West Wind
Palace of the Awakened : the corpse of a Blacktalon disciple
Strategist's Stronghold : the corpse of an Avazek Challenger
Tenebrous Tangle : the corpse of a vultak scrounger
Tenebrous Tangle : the corpse of Scavenge Master
Tenebrous Tangle : the corpse of a Strifewing raptor
The Barren Sky : the corpse of a blacktalon elite
The Barren Sky : the corpse of a Vultak scroll-bearer
The Barren Sky : the corpse of a Strifewing stalker
The Barren Sky : the corpse of a Strifewing saboteur
The Barren Sky : the corpse of a Strifewing renegade
The Barren Sky : the corpse of a Strifewing ravager
The Barren Sky : the corpse of a Strifewing ransacker
The Barren Sky : the corpse of a Strifewing prowler
The Barren Sky : the corpse of a wing clipper apprentice
The Barren Sky : the corpse of a Blacktalon conscript
The Barren Sky : the corpse of a Blacktalon visionary
The Barren Sky : the corpse of Grimmfeather the Deceiver
The Barren Sky : the corpse of a Strifewing heretic
The Barren Sky : the corpse of a Strifewing disciple
The Barren Sky : the corpse of a Strifewing adherent
The Barren Sky : the corpse of a Strifewing ambusher
The Barren Sky : the corpse of a Strifewing convert
The Barren Sky : the corpse of a Strifewing shaman
The Barren Sky : the corpse of a Blacktalon adherent
The Barren Sky : the corpse of a Strifewing marauder
The Barren Sky : the corpse of a Strifewing hunter
The Barren Sky : the corpse of a Strifewing fanatic
The Barren Sky : the corpse of a Blacktalon flanker
The Barren Sky : the corpse of a Blacktalon defender
The Barren Sky : the corpse of a preying Strifewing
The Barren Sky : the corpse of a Blacktalon grunt
The Barren Sky : the corpse of a Blacktalon guard
The Barren Sky : the corpse of a Blacktalon observer
The Barren Sky : the corpse of a Blacktalon wing clipper
The Barren Sky : the corpse of a Blacktalon sentry
The Barren Sky : the corpse of a Blacktalon visionary
The Barren Sky : the corpse of a Blacktalon vindicator
The Barren Sky : the corpse of a Strifewing ambusher
The Barren Sky : the corpse of a Strifewing brute
The Barren Sky : the corpse of a Strifewing convert
The Barren Sky : the corpse of a Strifewing agitator
The Barren Sky : the corpse of a Blacktalon curate
The Barren Sky : the corpse of a Blacktalon spotter
The Barren Sky : the corpse of a Strifewing battler
The Nest of the Great Egg : the corpse of Kettleleader Ghrizhaw
The Nest of the Great Egg : the corpse of an invading Vultak
The Nest of the Great Egg : the corpse of a Vultak guard
The Nest of the Great Egg : the corpse of Switch
The Nest of the Great Egg : the corpse of Taskmaster Rezhirz
The Nest of the Great Egg : the corpse of Nutty
The Nest of the Great Egg : the corpse of a Vultak arrogator
The Nest of the Great Egg : the corpse of a frantic Vultak searcher
The Nest of the Great Egg : the corpse of a beleaguered Hooluk guard
The Nest of the Great Egg : the corpse of a besieged Hooluk assistant
The Nest of the Great Egg : the corpse of a ransacking Vultak
The Nest of the Great Egg : the corpse of a rummaging Vultak aggressor
The Nest of the Great Egg : the corpse of a Vultak patroller
The Nest of the Great Egg : the corpse of a Vultak mystic
The Nest of the Great Egg : the corpse of a Vultak highguard
The Nest of the Great Egg : the corpse of a Vultak guard
The Nest of the Great Egg : the corpse of a Vultak arrogator
The Nest of the Great Egg : the corpse of a Vultak aggressor
The Nest of the Great Egg : the corpse of a scouring Vultak
The Nest of the Great Egg : the corpse of a searching Vultak
The Nest of the Great Egg : the corpse of a Vultak vanquisher
The Nest of the Great Egg : the corpse of Councilor Zhardiz
The Nest of the Great Egg : the corpse of a besieged Hooluk historian
The Nest of the Great Egg : the corpse of Chamberlain X'Haviz
The Nest of the Great Egg : the corpse of an invading Vultak
The Nest of the Great Egg : the corpse of Aggressor Khranz
The Nest of the Great Egg : the corpse of a ransacking Vultak aggressor
Timorous Deep : the corpse of a Haoaeran digger
Timorous Deep : the corpse of Mon Haoaera
Timorous Deep : the corpse of a Haoaeran skyscreecher
Timorous Deep : the corpse of a Haoaeran tapper
Timorous Deep : the corpse of a Haoaeran ritualist
Timorous Deep : the corpse of a Haoaeran fisher
Timorous Deep : the corpse of a Haoaeran keeneye
Timorous Deep : the corpse of a Haoaeran warrior
Timorous Deep 2 : the corpse of a Haoaeran poacher
Timorous Deep 2 : the corpse of a Haoaeran sentry
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