Item Detail : a vampiric incisor

Item namea vampiric incisor
Direct URL to this page
Item Link
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Reward from Quest(s)No quests offer this item as a reward
RecipesNo recipes create this item
Looted/collected fromGreater Faydark : the corpse of a Mistmoore guard
Greater Faydark : the corpse of Head Butler Z'ral
Greater Faydark : the corpse of a Mistmoore caretaker
into combat by casting Bracken on Acromion : the corpse of a Mistmoore maid
into combat by casting Bracken on Acromion : the corpse of a Mistmoore bloodmage
into combat by casting Bracken on Acromion : the corpse of a Mistmoore butler
into combat by casting Bracken on Acromion : the corpse of a Mistmoore priestess
into combat by casting Cheap Shot on Papadoo : the corpse of a Mistmoore maid
into combat by casting Drag on Malo : the corpse of a Mistmoore caretaker
into combat by casting Protection on Achougaog : the corpse of a Mistmoore bloodoath
into combat by casting Protection on Achougaog : the corpse of a Mistmoore soulmerger
into combat by casting Protection on Achougaog : the corpse of a Mistmoore priestess
into combat by casting Protection on Achougaog : the corpse of a Mistmoore guard
into combat by healing yourself with Owl's Reparat : the corpse of Head Butler Z'ral
Loping Plains : the corpse of Vezipoz D'Tyriker
Loping Plains : the corpse of Vezsi N'Avalhi
Loping Plains : the corpse of Viker X'Rhimer
Loping Plains : the corpse of Vinique D'Xiwer
Loping Plains : the corpse of Viker J'Zekin
Loping Plains : the corpse of Vezimei V'Vuevizh
Loping Plains : the corpse of Vaver T'Rxorez
Loping Plains : the corpse of Vethimer V'Qhoxi
Loping Plains : the corpse of Vethimei D'Xaver
Loping Plains : the corpse of Xeque V'Zsivzha
Loping Plains : the corpse of Vethila D'Xivizh
Loping Plains : the corpse of Venez D'Treque
Loping Plains : the corpse of Vinirez V'Vythizsi
Loping Plains : the corpse of Vipoz R'Axivzha
Loping Plains : the corpse of Vipoz T'Qhala
Loping Plains : the corpse of Xakin T'Athezsi
Loping Plains : the corpse of Xamer B'Vezivzha
Loping Plains : the corpse of Xarez J'Qhonek
Loping Plains : the corpse of Xeble Z'Irible
Loping Plains : the corpse of Xekin D'Kthami
Loping Plains : the corpse of Xepoz D'Hzalhi
Loping Plains : the corpse of Xipoz J'Krela
Loping Plains : the corpse of Xipoz X'Jylekin
Loping Plains : the corpse of Xiwer X'Vythible
Loping Plains : the corpse of Xylikin V'Sxhivizh
Loping Plains : the corpse of Vzhizsi H'Oxami
Loping Plains : the corpse of Vzhinek V'Kremei
Loping Plains : the corpse of Vyxi Z'Vavizh
Loping Plains : the corpse of Vivzha N'Krivar
Loping Plains : the corpse of Vuenez Z'Ixhmi
Loping Plains : the corpse of Vuepoz Z'Vzhimei
Loping Plains : the corpse of Vyla S'Nhible
Loping Plains : the corpse of Vyrez Z'Orime
Loping Plains : the corpse of Vythique Y'Xywer
Loping Plains : the corpse of Vythirez N'Demi
Loping Plains : the corpse of Vythixi J'Viniwer
Loping Plains : the corpse of Vythizsi H'Xala
Loping Plains : the corpse of Vyxi T'Devar
Loping Plains : the corpse of Xylirez N'Trever
Loping Plains : the corpse of Rzhemi K'Jzixi
Loping Plains : the corpse of Szerez J'Dzhomei
Loping Plains : the corpse of Szevar B'Ktheble
Loping Plains : the corpse of Szevizh J'Tazipoz
Loping Plains : the corpse of Szewer D'Sxhivar
Loping Plains : the corpse of Szewer J'Xyliwer
Loping Plains : the corpse of Szezsi V'Arinez
Loping Plains : the corpse of Tazikin D'Vala
Loping Plains : the corpse of Tazimer X'Jylela
Loping Plains : the corpse of Szeme K'Dzholhi
Loping Plains : the corpse of Szela V'Xyvzha
Loping Plains : the corpse of Szekin T'Qhanek
Loping Plains : the corpse of Rzhevizh S'Sxhixi
Loping Plains : the corpse of Setikin J'Oxavar
Loping Plains : the corpse of Setilhi Z'Zyker
Loping Plains : the corpse of Sxhible J'Tyriker
Loping Plains : the corpse of Sxhilhi H'Ingkin
Loping Plains : the corpse of Sxhirez K'Rhimei
Loping Plains : the corpse of Sxhivar V'Nhique
Loping Plains : the corpse of Sxhivizh T'Jthemei
Loping Plains : the corpse of Tazivzha D'Szezsi
Loping Plains : the corpse of Texique Y'Rzhelhi
Loping Plains : the corpse of Tyrimi J'Szeble
Loping Plains : the corpse of Tyrinek V'Vethimi
Loping Plains : the corpse of Tyriver Z'Zimei
Loping Plains : the corpse of Vallhi Y'Orivar
Loping Plains : the corpse of Vami Y'Taziwer
Loping Plains : the corpse of Vanez N'Jremer
Loping Plains : the corpse of Vaque D'Aripoz
Loping Plains : the corpse of Vavar K'Dreque
Loping Plains : the corpse of Tyrila V'Khranek
Loping Plains : the corpse of Tyrible R'Setixi
Loping Plains : the corpse of Tyhavzha Z'Khraxi
Loping Plains : the corpse of Texivar K'Oxalhi
Loping Plains : the corpse of Texivar T'Vamer
Loping Plains : the corpse of Texizsi S'Xylizsi
Loping Plains : the corpse of Trekin S'Aximer
Loping Plains : the corpse of Trewer J'Vivar
Loping Plains : the corpse of Tyhame D'Dible
Loping Plains : the corpse of Tyhavar H'Rhipoz
Loping Plains : the corpse of Tyhavzha D'Tazique
Loping Plains : the corpse of Vavar T'Szexi
Loping Plains : the corpse of Xylivar K'Tazivar
Loping Plains : the corpse of Nzhevar R'Kzexi
Loping Plains : the corpse of Tyrila Z'Atheque
Loping Plains : the corpse of Vethivizh X'Xyver
Loping Plains : the corpse of Zviker Y'Zvila
Loping Plains : the corpse of Rethixi J'Szenez
Loping Plains : the corpse of Kvhixi K'Vuemer
Loping Plains : the corpse of Vzhivar Z'Qhoxi
Loping Plains : the corpse of Khrapoz Z'Rhimer
Loping Plains : the corpse of Xakin V'Devar
Loping Plains : the corpse of Zvirez V'Ximi
Loping Plains : the corpse of Zekin V'Rethivizh
Loping Plains : the corpse of Vinivar D'Vinivizh
Loping Plains : the corpse of Dhvalhi T'Trewer
Loping Plains : the corpse of Jzikin V'Xevar
Loping Plains : the corpse of Hzanek Z'Qhenez
Loping Plains : the corpse of Drelhi J'Vaque
Loping Plains : the corpse of Dhvaque B'Vzhinez
Loping Plains : the corpse of Xeme T'Vezizsi
Loping Plains : the corpse of Vawer J'Tyrime
Loping Plains : the corpse of Vinirez K'Rxovizh
Loping Plains : the corpse of Jreble V'Vethilhi
Loping Plains : the corpse of Vzhixi H'Hravar
Loping Plains : the corpse of Krenek Z'Kvhivzha
Loping Plains : the corpse of Ozique K'Zsizsi
Loping Plains : the corpse of Oxanez H'Khrala
Loping Plains : the corpse of Xixi K'Zapoz
Loping Plains : the corpse of Athevzha T'Ixakin
Loping Plains : the corpse of Kzevzha T'Rzheme
Loping Plains : the corpse of Jrevzha Z'Jylenez
Loping Plains : the corpse of Jthela D'Trexi
Loping Plains : the corpse of Xique V'Zeable
Loping Plains : the corpse of Qheker Z'Dfami
Loping Plains : the corpse of Zyque X'Arikin
Loping Plains : the corpse of Hzable X'Rhilhi
Loping Plains : the corpse of Ixhvizh S'Jthexi
Loping Plains : the corpse of Oxala T'Tazimer
Loping Plains : the corpse of Rzheker B'Oxarez
Loping Plains : the corpse of Jrekin N'Zeme
Loping Plains : the corpse of Setinek J'Kthamer
Loping Plains : the corpse of Khami D'Rethime
Loping Plains : the corpse of Setirez B'Vuelhi
Loping Plains : the corpse of Rethikin X'Nzhemer
Loping Plains : the corpse of Zeravzha R'Zizsi
Loping Plains : the corpse of Zerazsi X'Vythible
Loping Plains : the corpse of Zerazsi Z'Vynez
Loping Plains : the corpse of Zexi Z'Vevizh
Loping Plains : the corpse of Zilhi S'Zymi
Loping Plains : the corpse of Zivar X'Kvhique
Loping Plains : the corpse of Zsible Z'Axique
Loping Plains : the corpse of Zviker T'Dinek
Loping Plains : the corpse of Zeble Y'Vavar
Loping Plains : the corpse of Zeble T'Jrami
Loping Plains : the corpse of Xylivzha T'Izharez
Loping Plains : the corpse of Xymei J'Jthenek
Loping Plains : the corpse of Xyvizh V'Athenek
Loping Plains : the corpse of Zable J'Hzaxi
Loping Plains : the corpse of Zeamer H'Irila
Loping Plains : the corpse of Zeapoz Y'Zsikin
Loping Plains : the corpse of Zeaver Y'Axivzha
Loping Plains : the corpse of Zeawer N'Jremi
Loping Plains : the corpse of Zvirez S'Tazivar
Loping Plains : the corpse of Zvirez Z'Jralhi
Loping Plains : the corpse of Ximei D'Kthable
Loping Plains : the corpse of Qhevar R'Avaver
Loping Plains : the corpse of Sxhimi D'Zeravar
Loping Plains : the corpse of Athevizh J'Qhomi
Loping Plains : the corpse of Nhinez N'Vzhixi
Loping Plains : the corpse of Krever T'Rzhenek
Loping Plains : the corpse of Krixi Z'Vezilhi
Loping Plains : the corpse of Jzivizh J'Izhavizh
Loping Plains : the corpse of Krilhi K'Dhvamei
Loping Plains : the corpse of Teximi J'Tyhaxi
Loping Plains : the corpse of Zvivar X'Arilhi
Loping Plains : the corpse of Zvixi Z'Vala
Loping Plains : the corpse of Zypoz D'Krivizh
Loping Plains : the corpse of Zyvizh Y'Nhikin
Loping Plains : the corpse of Dfazsi Z'Vzhique
Loping Plains : the corpse of Szelhi K'Zimer
Loping Plains : the corpse of Direz T'Xyliwer
Loping Plains : the corpse of Dhible D'Deble
Loping Plains : the corpse of Xylivar Z'Khrapoz
Loping Plains : the corpse of Rzhekin Y'Iriwer
Loping Plains : the corpse of Jravizh V'Trenez
Loping Plains : the corpse of Hraver J'Irible
Loping Plains : the corpse of Hrapoz K'Zyrez
Loping Plains : the corpse of Hramer Z'Ixanez
Loping Plains : the corpse of Hramei D'Jzinek
Loping Plains : the corpse of Dzhome B'Axivar
Loping Plains : the corpse of Dzhokin N'Demi
Loping Plains : the corpse of Dwiwer X'Kzever
Loping Plains : the corpse of Dwiver Z'Khrakin
Loping Plains : the corpse of Dwinez Y'Xylikin
Loping Plains : the corpse of Dwimei K'Khaver
Loping Plains : the corpse of Drezsi D'Axiker
Loping Plains : the corpse of Dremer T'Nzherez
Loping Plains : the corpse of Dreker T'Jylevzha
Loping Plains : the corpse of Huntmaster Viswin
Loping Plains : the corpse of Hzable D'Qhome
Loping Plains : the corpse of Jranez N'Orizsi
Loping Plains : the corpse of Jrakin X'Drekin
Loping Plains : the corpse of Jhevar J'Szezsi
Loping Plains : the corpse of Izhavizh K'Qhawer
Loping Plains : the corpse of Ixhwer J'Irivzha
Loping Plains : the corpse of Ixhnez X'Orivar
Loping Plains : the corpse of Ixame V'Qhonez
Loping Plains : the corpse of Irivzha N'Xaker
Loping Plains : the corpse of Irilhi Z'Vethilhi
Loping Plains : the corpse of Irikin Z'Rzhevar
Loping Plains : the corpse of Irikin T'Xirez
Loping Plains : the corpse of Hzapoz T'Zypoz
Loping Plains : the corpse of Hzaker D'Dhimei
Loping Plains : the corpse of Dreble K'Ingnez
Loping Plains : the corpse of Dinez B'Ozible
Loping Plains : the corpse of Dible D'Rhimi
Loping Plains : the corpse of Arivar D'Derez
Loping Plains : the corpse of Arime V'Athepoz
Loping Plains : the corpse of Arila K'Vuemei
Loping Plains : the corpse of Dwirez S'Ktheble
Loping Plains : the corpse of Avala D'Xilhi
Loping Plains : the corpse of Vzhivar B'Taziker
Loping Plains : the corpse of Vinivar T'Qhenez
Loping Plains : the corpse of Sxhivzha N'Zeapoz
Loping Plains : the corpse of Sxhimei T'Trevar
Loping Plains : the corpse of Kthelhi N'Vethime
Loping Plains : the corpse of Jhevar J'Szezsi
Loping Plains : the corpse of Hzable D'Setimei
Loping Plains : the corpse of Hralhi Z'Ixazsi
Loping Plains : the corpse of Athenek V'Avaker
Loping Plains : the corpse of Avala V'Viver
Loping Plains : the corpse of Dhvalhi J'Dhiver
Loping Plains : the corpse of Dhilhi D'Jtheme
Loping Plains : the corpse of Dhible V'Tyhaque
Loping Plains : the corpse of Dfanek K'Xyvzha
Loping Plains : the corpse of Dfalhi V'Jylelhi
Loping Plains : the corpse of Deque T'Jzilhi
Loping Plains : the corpse of Depoz X'Jzila
Loping Plains : the corpse of Delhi T'Khramei
Loping Plains : the corpse of Axixi H'Xaker
Loping Plains : the corpse of Axique V'Dzhokin
Loping Plains : the corpse of Aximei B'Hrala
Loping Plains : the corpse of Avavar J'Nzhexi
Loping Plains : the corpse of Avarez T'Ingvzha
Loping Plains : the corpse of Depoz V'Krevizh
Loping Plains : the corpse of Jremei J'Texivar
Loping Plains : the corpse of Ozible B'Zarez
Loping Plains : the corpse of Kthever T'Zeravar
Loping Plains : the corpse of Qhever J'Izhamei
Loping Plains : the corpse of Kthenek D'Demi
Loping Plains : the corpse of Kthemi N'Rxovizh
Loping Plains : the corpse of Rethiwer D'Khawer
Loping Plains : the corpse of Kthemei B'Jramer
Loping Plains : the corpse of Qhonek J'Vamer
Loping Plains : the corpse of Kvhiver T'Izhawer
Loping Plains : the corpse of Kthami K'Diver
Loping Plains : the corpse of Rzheker K'Hravar
Loping Plains : the corpse of Kthever X'Kvhirez
Loping Plains : the corpse of Qhamei V'Hraver
Loping Plains : the corpse of Kvhila X'Sxhivzha
Loping Plains : the corpse of Ozivar J'Kvhilhi
Loping Plains : the corpse of Nzhenek N'Krimi
Loping Plains : the corpse of Ozilhi R'Rxozsi
Loping Plains : the corpse of Kvhirez V'Zyker
Loping Plains : the corpse of Qhovzha V'Sxhinez
Loping Plains : the corpse of Kvhinez V'Drerez
Loping Plains : the corpse of Ozimi T'Vyvzha
Loping Plains : the corpse of Orivar T'Axiver
Loping Plains : the corpse of Kvhime R'Kthevzha
Loping Plains : the corpse of Ozivzha K'Szever
Loping Plains : the corpse of Rethirez V'Zevar
Loping Plains : the corpse of Rxovzha Z'Zvime
Loping Plains : the corpse of Khamer V'Zaxi
Loping Plains : the corpse of Kthexi Z'Vylhi
Loping Plains : the corpse of Khame Z'Xarez
Loping Plains : the corpse of Jzivar K'Axible
Loping Plains : the corpse of Khaver R'Ixaque
Loping Plains : the corpse of Jzirez X'Kthenek
Loping Plains : the corpse of Jyleque X'Zimi
Loping Plains : the corpse of Rethivizh K'Jrakin
Loping Plains : the corpse of Jylenek T'Tyrivizh
Loping Plains : the corpse of Jrepoz Y'Jrenez
Loping Plains : the corpse of Khaver H'Kvhiker
Loping Plains : the corpse of Kthekin H'Khrami
Loping Plains : the corpse of Khaver Z'Vinipoz
Loping Plains : the corpse of Rxovar X'Vimi
Loping Plains : the corpse of Rxolhi S'Zyvizh
Loping Plains : the corpse of Krivzha T'Jraxi
Loping Plains : the corpse of Krivzha J'Rethinez
Loping Plains : the corpse of Khraxi Z'Izhable
Loping Plains : the corpse of Rxokin X'Veque
Loping Plains : the corpse of Rxokin V'Qhekin
Loping Plains : the corpse of Khraxi D'Vami
Loping Plains : the corpse of Khravar K'Zeraver
Loping Plains : the corpse of Khrable Z'Rzhevar
Loping Plains 2 : the corpse of Rxoker T'Rzheker
Loping Plains 2 : the corpse of Kvhimi T'Vinivar
Loping Plains 2 : the corpse of Xylimi R'Khramer
Loping Plains 2 : the corpse of Hravar D'Texizsi
Mistmoore Catacombs : the corpse of Head Butler Z'ral
Mistmoore Catacombs : the corpse of a Mistmoore bloodoath
Mistmoore Catacombs : the corpse of a Mistmoore aide
Mistmoore Catacombs : the corpse of a Mistmoore bloodmage
Mistmoore Catacombs : the corpse of a Mistmoore bloodoath
Mistmoore Catacombs : the corpse of a Mistmoore bloodseeker
Mistmoore Catacombs : the corpse of a Mistmoore butler
Mistmoore Catacombs : the corpse of a Mistmoore bloodmage
Mistmoore Catacombs : the corpse of a Mistmoore caretaker
Mistmoore Catacombs : the corpse of a Mistmoore guard
Mistmoore Catacombs : the corpse of a Mistmoore butler
Mistmoore Catacombs : the corpse of a Mistmoore bloodseeker
Mistmoore Catacombs : the corpse of a Mistmoore overseer
Mistmoore Catacombs : the corpse of a Mistmoore aide
Mistmoore Catacombs : the corpse of a Mistmoore soulmerger
Mistmoore Catacombs : the corpse of a Mistmoore servant
Mistmoore Catacombs : the corpse of a Mistmoore priestess
Mistmoore Catacombs : the corpse of a Mistmoore maid
Mistmoore Catacombs : the corpse of a Mistmoore incarcerator
Mistmoore Catacombs : the corpse of a Mistmoore guard
Mistmoore Catacombs : the corpse of a Mistmoore caretaker
Mistmoore Catacombs : the corpse of Head Maid Z'yra
Mistmoore Catacombs : the corpse of a Mistmoore incarcerator
Mistmoore Catacombs : the corpse of a Mistmoore soulmerger
Mistmoore Catacombs : the corpse of Head Butler Z'ral
Mistmoore Catacombs : the corpse of Head Maid Z'yra
Mistmoore Catacombs : the corpse of a Mistmoore servant
Mistmoore Catacombs : the corpse of a Mistmoore overseer
Mistmoore Catacombs : the corpse of a Mistmoore priestess
Mistmoore Catacombs : the corpse of a Mistmoore maid
New Tunaria : the corpse of a servant of Mistmoore
New Tunaria : the corpse of an agent of Mistmoore
New Tunaria : the corpse of a servant of Mistmoore
New Tunaria : the corpse of an agent of Mistmoore
New Tunaria : the corpse of Lavin of the Dusk
NO ZONE SET : the corpse of a Mistmoore guard
NO ZONE SET : the corpse of Zerazsi X'Vythible
NO ZONE SET : the corpse of Kthenek D'Demi
NO ZONE SET : the corpse of Vivzha N'Krivar
NO ZONE SET : the corpse of Head Butler Z'ral
NO ZONE SET : the corpse of Xylikin V'Sxhivizh
NO ZONE SET : the corpse of Vavar T'Szexi
NO ZONE SET : the corpse of Khame Z'Xarez
NO ZONE SET : the corpse of Jzirez X'Kthenek
NO ZONE SET : the corpse of Jhevar J'Szezsi
NO ZONE SET : the corpse of Vallhi Y'Orivar
NO ZONE SET : the corpse of Tyhame D'Dible
NO ZONE SET : the corpse of Orivar T'Axiver
NO ZONE SET : the corpse of Dfanek K'Xyvzha
NO ZONE SET : the corpse of a Mistmoore butler
NO ZONE SET : the corpse of a Mistmoore maid
NO ZONE SET : the corpse of a Mistmoore bloodoath
NO ZONE SET : the corpse of a Mistmoore overseer
NO ZONE SET : the corpse of a Mistmoore bloodmage
NO ZONE SET : the corpse of a Mistmoore bloodseeker
NO ZONE SET : the corpse of a Mistmoore aide
NO ZONE SET : the corpse of a Mistmoore priestess
NO ZONE SET : the corpse of Rethiwer D'Khawer
NO ZONE SET : the corpse of a Mistmoore soulmerger
NO ZONE SET : the corpse of Rzheker K'Hravar
NO ZONE SET : the corpse of a servant of Mistmoore
NO ZONE SET : the corpse of Qhever J'Izhamei
NO ZONE SET : the corpse of a Mistmoore caretaker
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